Wednesday 3 October 2012


A Comfortless mademoiselle

It was yet another evening with sundown and cockshut ........ just woke up from my bed after a small nap ...... I was lonely and I felt it deeply and permanently........So I thought of having a walk at the fall of the day ..... so I drenched myself In my tracksuit ..... with my headphones hanging round my neck n clutching my ears ..... just began to stare things all around ...........

As I was departing on my way ......  unanticipatedly  and without any warning ....... my eyes got stuck over a girl . she was harnessed in her  skirt and in dark top ......... I thought of tuning out of her and to carry on with my walk ..... but as I took two steps in the middle of nowhere ..... I don't know what was it ........ but I ceased myself and came to a standstill .......

Suddenly I took a bend to my left ...... and googled her ...... she was sitting on a bench which was dismantled a bit ..... I endeavored a lot just to glance over her face ..... but I can hardly see her ...... because her face was enveloped  with her hands n long hairs ..... she was just sitting ideally with her face bend over to her knees ....... I was in the field of vision which was illustrating me of her heartache and betrayal......

I don't know why but she was going to cry....... but I knew that if I spoke to her or looked at her too closely then the tears would fly out of her eyes and...... the sobs would fly out of the throat and she'd cry for a week.”

I just started to prompt what exactly must have taken effect........  I giggled 2-3 steps towards her ...... suddenly she removed her hands from her face and glided her hairs backwards ..... I was simply discontinued at my feet after seeing her face ........ her  Moorish eyes were blood shot red ......... and her tears were simply tearing her apart ....... she just gave a wild stare at me
so I thought of moving aside a bit n just let her emotions bleed ...... because after all they need to be yelled out ..........

From my perception ......... she was visualizing of her crush ....... who was more like a bad habit that she can't shake properly ..........................the hardest thing I could have done was to try my hardest to get her over it." ......... but I thought of keeping the wheels unturned ........ n letting things go as they are meant to be .......

After that i was assuming of ...... what could be the 2nd reason behind it ...... but suddenly after glancing at me she was pretending as if nothing has happened ...... but her eyes told a different story ......

Teardrops slowly started fall from her eyes again as I pretended to look at the sky.........and I questioned myself how come life keeps passing on even if things r clumsy around ......  I just wonder why can't she escape this phase, is this her fate ...............  To always be unhappy or how much longer she must have to wait..........but I just don't feel like  knowing myself very well right now,so how can I be sure about anything about her........ but one think i was sure of was ... “ Unhappiness can't stick in her  soul for too long because it was  slicking with her tears.” ......

then I thought of moving on ....... and claiming things as they were ..... I wanted to comfort her skillfully but  didn't wanted to make my presence to be a discomfort to her....... so decamping situation at that point of road was the matchless alternative available ........ So i just moved away from that bench ........ and marched my way ahead .... but during all the course of time her cast and appearance was mirrored on my mind....

I went to bed and woke in the middle of the night thinking I heard someone cry, thinking I myself was weeping, and I felt my face and it was dry...... then i realized it was raining outside
I wish I had never met her because then I could go to sleep at night not knowing there was someone like her out there.

“Why do people have to be this lonely? What's the point of it all? Millions of people in this world, all of them yearning, looking to others to satisfy them, yet isolating themselves. Why? Was the earth put here just to nourish human loneliness?”


  1. Diary of a lonely person through the eyes of a lonely person

  2. We have marched in this world alone ..... we will decamp from this world alone ..... so its better to be alone
