Saturday 15 September 2012

Discovering my Passion


It's a dull life when you do nothing. just try to jump a bit,and play a nice role.....

They use to say that u need certain amount of darkness to see the shining stars ..... I sincerely agree with that fact and........ It is really contradictory for my line of sight ....... that anyone can have a life without any purpose and meaning ....... but what I really believe is dt .... " not believing dt u have a purpose won't  prevent u from discovering it " cos just a "lack of belief in gravity won't prevent you from tripping........

 I really urge to decamp to that dt offline mode....... nt in fb ..... but in ma real world too .... so that I can deactivate myself for few days ..... so dt I can spend sometime wid me nly ..... I want to argue wid myself ..... I want to embrace myself .... I want to raise inquest against me only ....  so dt i can really comprehend myself ............. so that I can sympathize what I can fancy........ n what really dribble in my lifeblood .......

It feels so unhandy .... dt i'm not passionate about anything ..... even though everyone is same .... we all have red blood running through our veins ...... but still we all r different in our own different way ..... but still puzzlement is starving in my mind .... dt how am i different ..... I use to do the same thing what every
2nd person does ... there's nothing great I've achieved till date ..... so where's dt precious key from the special bunch that will make me feel dynamic or breathing....

Right nw from my perception ..... I'm gonna take a little time to make things robust and unyielding ........ but the time has come to call the shot on myself so to decide what exactly my capabilities are and in which way its gonna roll me up ............... In doing so I may grow up in attitude ......... n what they use to say
about grown up attitude "A person with a high attitude deserves the standing ovation of their own highest finger" ....... So, I have to be judicious with it ..... though I need to brick it a bit ......

But people may wonder over d above happening ........ dt why exactly I'm committing it ........ why I'm putting myself in this silent plot ....... N i really want to acknowledge them that ......  sooner or later I'm gonna put myself in d arena ...... where I only will interrogate myself that ....... Is dr any piece of nut I have cracked in my life .....I don't know d key to success but cold sweat of my upcoming failure is enduring me to take a move ....... its not that I can't accept failure but I can't accept not trying.......

So I'm gonna start with emptying all d false purposes i've been taught ........... including the idea that i've no purpose at all.......... then I'll take a piece of  white paper n will query myself that what exactly i want and to narrate the things on that piece of sheet....... maybe I'll take myself to some place ....... A place where there's only me n my sensuality .......... a Place where i'm not ill-tempered with myself........ a place where I can respect me n my feelings where I can take myself for granted ......

Certainly fooling around with myself n letting the things flow as they r certainly yet another screw in jam of the pipes ......

I'm gonna formulate that describe anything that would associate with my identity. This means accomplishments, failures, strengths, weaknesses, personality traits, interests, hopes, past, future, etc. I’m not fairly young so I would argue that my list probably should not be short but compared to people who have lived longer its gonna be a bit childish. I'm gonna keep writing until I can’t think of anything more........



  1. The dilemma of a guy who's still unemployed not because he lacks skill but because he's not come of a appropriate age. Many a times we want to work but we aren't allowed to and that's what inhibits us from discovering our passion.

  2. “When you fight yourself to discover the real you, there is only one winner.”

  3. good thoughts!!!! keep it up. :)

  4. i salute u dude...nd plz dn't think dat i want to plz u so i m commentng....dude let me tell u one thing.. u hv a lots of potential so plz try in dis field.u vl go me...i once agn jst awsm man
