Saturday 6 October 2012


It was end of yet another exam for that boy …… so he was marching his approach  back to his home ….He was sitting solitary like a “lone wolf” on platform  no.3 and  waiting  for his train to arrive…. There were several other people waiting on that cold draughty platform…. So beaming things all around over there was the most appropriate alternative available for him ………

Abruptly his eye got stuck over a poor girl …. Wrapped in old and torn clothes … And she was not able to walk properly because of something wrong with her leg …. The only thing which was crystal clear from her face was that she had been starved for ages …. So that boy continued to gaze over her ……

At the corner of a confectionary on that platform …. A trash can was kept…. And that girl steadily advanced towards that trash …. So, that boy thought that she must be a sweeper or a garbage cleaner of that platform ….. now that girl steered her hand in the dustbin and started searching for something …… The boy then thought she must have lost something precious and she must’ve been endeavoring for that only …

But what he saw next was like simply taking his breathe way …. That girl after searching a lot in that “trash can” actually picked something out of that trash can and put into her mouth …. The first reaction which arrived in the boy’s consciousness was “eeeeewwww” and  “yyuuukkkkkkkk”…. Then he started roaring words like “what the fuck”  and  “how could she”  and all other  “blah blah blah” in his mind

Now slowly that feeling of being stunned and frozen or whatever it was of the boy started to fade away……and don’t know why but he became sick at heart ….

He started to think what he should do now…. Should he ignore her …. Should he feel pity for her ….should he take something out of his pocket coins/money to give …. Or should he immediately go away from there… He was literally discomposed at that situation …

So he moved his attention away from that situation …. Then he saw a dog over there who was eating some sort of stuff  from a thrown package of some food item . so he started eyeing over that dog …. And all of a sudden someone threw a piece of stone over that dog and that dog ran away from there leaving that thrown package over there only …. Then he looked for the person who actually threw that stone ….

And surprisingly it was the same poor girl …. Then he thought is that girl insane or what ?? …. And then after that what happened was simply like tying himself with a long piece of twine ….

That girl actually picked that piece of thrown package and started eating from it …. And don’t know what came in that boy’s mind …. He started yelling at that girl  “excuse me you idiot …. That package has already been eaten by that dog …. So throw it away…” but those words didn’t contribute to that girl …. She just took that package and departed from that place ….

The boy was totally numb with his tongue and with his feet at that point of time……  the negative applause going through his skull was so loud and insistent that he had to respond through several encores ….

After a bit boy moved on from there and sat on a bench …. And started thinking………… “what a poor girl”…………. But then he thought …..“POOR SHE OR POOR WORLD”…. Then suddenly his train arrived on that particular platform and he boarded his train and left …. And his feelings at that point of time were simply poor ….because neither he can do a bit about it nor this world …. Because simply giving her money can’t eradicate her misery

Really strange is this world……….some people have food way more than their appetite …. And some have food which makes them very much comparable to a street dog …. Such a “POOR WORLD” this is ….
After that depressing situation I’d like to thank god …. For all that he gave to me … place for shelter …enough food to eat and survive … and all the other luxuries enjoyed by me in my life ….

But what exactly god means to those poor people …. For them god never appears…. They sit outside temple , mosque or other places of worship … but they are never allowed to go inside …. And for that poor girl food is god for her  … and they always appear in front of her in the form of bread ….

She is forced not to think well…. love well ….. sleep well ……because she has not been dined well….
Really for some people its very difficult to think nobly when they only thinks of earning a  living

                                “ANURAG RENFOLD”


  1. In a well governed world like this such kind of poor misery should be ashamed of .... and more importantly ..... In the same world badly governed wealth is something to be more ashamed of ....

  2. it requires a combined effort from all of us to help eradicate such extreme steps.....good thoughts and writing

  3. Excellent Dude! Very few Engineers have such conceptual thoughts... Great.. All the BEST...

  4. its just that u were thoughtful enough to write the whole thing in a good way.....but the irony of it is....that all of us do come across such pitiful situations in our everyday life and do nothing more than feeling bad about it and moving on......
    good piece of work.....keep going...
