Thursday 7 March 2013


It was an exhausting day for me .... so I thought of playing with my bed n pillow early .... so I went to sleep early .... and within a moment my eyes were shut ..... and the very next instant my eyes were wide open ... it was midnight for me with clock banging itself to 00:00 ....

And it didn't took me long to realize that I've already gone through 3hrs of sleep .... I was not feeling sleepy anymore .... So i got up from my bed .... and don't know why but I was getting high on with the ambiance around me ....

The feel around me was so healthy and adorable .... means no distractions, no traffic encompassing me and not much noise it just seemed to be much more peaceful time of the day.... and Its quite obvious for me to utter midnight as my favorite time of the day....

But if I'll tell a person that midnight is my favorite time then he may think that I am a black sheep or a lazy person .... this is simply because of how the world functions .... most people have early morning tasks and they are forced to wake up early in order to meet their requirements .... most people have to be on time at a certain place.... and most of the people still believe the old saying "early to bed and early to rise " as soon as the clock strikes midnight ... most of the people are found sleeping ......... unless you don’t work or you party at nights ...... so this is why people may assume me as a bum to say midnight as my favorite time....

Painting black over what these people say ...... I went out in the balcony ..... I stood there and felt so good ........ with the purest embrace of wind  .... bathing myself in the moonlight ..... gazing high dark into the sky ....... with night walking down the sky with moon in her hand and wearing the splashes of stars all over its body ...... It totally seemed as if the streets were absorbed by the sky and night was all in the air .......... And it didn't took me long to realize the fact that "A boy like me is a very small thing and the night is very large and full of wonders"..... I just adore this moment of the day......

Being awake at night also has a mysterious edge attached to it ...... the hours of nights when scary things tend to happens ...... especially in the movies ! being up at this time does make one wonder if the world really is as safe as we take it to be..... at this point of time even an atheist will show its belief in god .....

midnight is the time when one is done with all their commitment, duties and compulsions for the day ......... the peace one receives when one remembers that a chore needs to be done ...... and then realize that it has already been completed is illimitable ........ surely one can breathe easy , sit back and listen to music or watch t.v. or go out and enjoy a calm peaceful windy night ............

But I like midnight for other reasons than the ones mentioned above .... one of the main reason why I like midnight is because I like writing at this point of time ..... everyone is sleeping so I can concentrate on writing my articles much better than I can with a place full of people going up and down and trying to talk to me ........ and more importantly all the idea which grows up are there to be mine only because every one else is sleeping ..... many other writers probably favors the night as well for this very same reason to get most of their work done .....

 so as you can see there are other reason to being up at midnight other than out to be partying and others ...... everyone has a time during 24 hours of a day when they feel their best .......  for me that time is always at midnight .....

As "LEMONY SNICKET" has said "its one of life's bitterest truth that bedtime so often arrives just when things are really getting interesting" .......... And late night stuffs are actually interesting  ......

But from my part I know nothing with any certainty ....... but the sight and the feel of late nights makes me to do what I want to do ..... and the stuffs which I want to be labelled with .......



  1. Bro, u just spoke the heart of every boy of our generation

    1. thnks buddy ..... just thought abt it .... n gave it a go

  2. Nice dude!! nice flow of thoughts.. Keep it up..

  3. it looks like you have fallen in yourself baby..:)

    1. sorry to say that .... but I think u've commented without reading the article .... anyways thanks ....

  4. osum bro sailing to twinkling thoughts...

    1. thanks for adding the spark by reading it ......

  5. Hmmmm.........
    I too find the midnight interesting as you do buddy
    its so sad that most of the working class people cannot enjoy that time ..... it provides me mental
    peace and the strength to fight for next day ...
    John Maynard Keynes Said "The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones."

    1. I totally agree with that .... I also think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.

  6. nice imagination.. one line which i like d most was "even an atheist will show its belief in god" :)

    1. ha ha ha ha .... even I'm an atheist .... but I do feel nerves n remember god ..... when I hear that sound of opening of the door .... at midnight .....

  7. nice one dude... loved the para where u went out in the balcony ;)

  8. well written............ full of life....... one of ur bests ............. keep up the good work!!!!!!

  9. nice reading,,,,am also like this midnight,,,,,nt oly for boys..grls also like this.....gud work....intrestedto reading ur all articles...
